Concerts › Double Shot (Previous 2023 Season)

See Double Shot in concert

The artists: Yoshiko Tsuruta (marimba and percussion), Jeremy Fitzsimons (vibraphone and percussion)

Formed in 2015, Double Shot provides a colourful mixture of percussion instruments based around marimba and vibraphone. The duo’s strength lies in the wonderfully subtle variety of their performances and the rich, mellow resonance of their instruments.

This engaging concert begins with a set of playful, lively crowd-pleasers by contemporary composers, including New Zealanders John Psathas and Briar Prastiti, whose new commission Double Shot are delighted to premiere. The second half is dedicated to Debussy’s exquisite storytelling through his ballet score La boîte à joujoux (The Toy Box) which has been arranged for Double Shot by Yoshiko Tsuruta.

Double Shot performed at St George & St John Church, on Saturday 20th May at 4:00pm.

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